Friday, September 19, 2008

Some Parisian Wanderings

So since I last updated, we've been wandering around quite a bit. Wednesday after class Megan, Becky, Maria and I went to the Jardins des Tuileries. It was really gorgeous there, surprising since it's been quite autumnal here since we got gets pretty chilly at night. But we walked around the gardens and then up to the Place de la Concorde and a little bit of the Champs-Elysees. It was pretty fun! We then went in search of this place called Angelina's on the Rue Rivoli, which supposedly has the best hot chocolate in Paris. When we got there we discovered that it was 6,80 euros for hot chocolate, so we decided to save that for another day! Then Megan and I went to Picard, a store that specializes in frozen food (only the French would have a specialty store for frozen food) and got frozen meals to make our first meal by ourselves! Frozen dinners, Camembert, bread, and chocolate ice cream. Perfect. We also watched Amelie with French subtitles this time :-)
Thursday was the last day of stupid language review, thank goodness. We all met up after class in the Bois du Boulogne (but completely on the other side from where I live) to go to the Marmottan-Monet museum, a museum of entirely Monet paintings. Sadly there were no pictures allowed but it was a gorgeous museum. And our host parents went to Giverny the same day and brought us back posters! lol. Then that night our host parents had a former student and her boyfriend come visit because they were in town, and it was one of our dinner nights with them so we went out for Japanese food on the rue Mouffetard. Yum! We didn't get back til late though.
Today we had a "welcome lunch" aka "orientation is finished and now you have to start normal life" at the Eiffel Tower restaurant, Altitude 95, with IES. It was delicious, and took awhile, of course. Then we wandered around the Eiffel Tower, took silly pictures, went all the way to the top, then came back down and went to Les Cars Rouges, a bus tour of Paris that the school gave us free tickets for. It was cool but COLD. It was chilly and windy today. After it was over we had dinner at an Italian restaurant and came home.
This weekend should be nice and relaxing and then class starts on Monday!

New album links: (Tuileries/Eiffel Tower) (Eiffel Tower/Bus Tour) (end of bus tour)

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