Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Parisian adventures

So the last two days have been language review, which has been slightly boring/a little too easy but vaguely interesting sometimes, I guess...
After propédeutique yesterday, we went to the catacombs! They're really close to school. They were slightly creepy, as a pile of skulls and bones can have the tendency to be. It's 1.7 km underground, mostly of bones that are piled up close enough to touch. A lot of people try to steal bones, so they actually check your bags on the way out and have guards down there and stuff. How much would that job suck? Sit underground all day and watch a bunch of bones. Before we went a guy warned us not to get lost but you can't, there's only one path to go on. It was creepy but interesting, I'm glad I went. Our host parents told us apparently that it's very historic--not only did ancient Christians hide there and bury their dead there when the religion was forbidden, but it was a big part of the French Resistance.
Today after class Megan and I went to the Musée d'Orsay, which is mostly Impressionism and such things. It's really gorgeous. It was a good afternoon trip because it's not a gigantic museum but it's got a lot of really famous things to see. Monet, Van Gogh, Manet, Degas, etc. It's in an old train station which is huuuuge and gorgeous. Then we came home for awhile, did our homework, and then our friend Amy called and wanted to meet us for happy hour at a Mexican restaurant, so we went out, had a margarita and chips, and came home. It was weird ordering a drink, haha.
I'm going away this weekend with Megan and 4 other girls to Lille, a city in the north of France, and Brussels, Belgium. We're getting up very early in the morning, hopefully it will be fun!

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

The Catacombs and the Musée d'Orsay, two of my favorite places in Paris! Haha, I went to the Catacombs when I was in Paris in 2000 and I remember them checking our bags on the way out, and there were a few bones sitting on their table that people had tried to steal. Isn't that absurd? But the Musée d'Orsay really is one of my favorite places, I could totally live there. Enjoy your big weekend trip, I can't wait to read about it!