Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lots of visitors

So the family left on Friday, after I spent Tuesday and Wednesday in class. Thursday we went to the Musee d'Orsay and the Cite d'Architecture and Patrimoine (museum of French architecture), and then Kara, one of my sorority sisters, arrived from Spain! We took her out for some nice snails for her first night in France.

In the morning, Kara and I went to say goodbye to the family, and then started out exploring Paris with visiting the graves of Sartre and de Beauvoir (yay for Core), and then the catacombs. So, it may or may not have been raining and I may or may not have slid for about a foot and almost fallen in the catacombs...I'm a klutz, what else is new? Then we spent the rest of the afternoon in the Louvre just wandering, which is a good Louvre strategy, haha.

Yesterday we accomplished a lot! We spent most of the day in the Latin Quarter, and saw Notre Dame, the Ile Ste-Louis, Ste-Chapelle, and the Musee de Cluny. After dinner, we finished the day at the Eiffel Tower, where it was so cold and windy we almost froze/flew off the tower, haha. But we survived. We saw several interesting characters at Notre Dame--and by characters I mean characters, as in dressed up in funny suits. One guy was dressed as the rabbit in the advertisements on the metro and was yelling "Je t'aime, Caroline!" Another was dressed as the Abominable Snowman, and accompanied by a husky, was advertising a ski resort, I think? Oh, and we've also been taking pictures with every Obama ad in Paris.

Today, once we're all ready, we're going to head out to Montmartre and the Marais. Yay for fall break!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I really enjoyed your picture of the abominable snowman and your comment about Core.